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Correct Tips to Extend Your Smartphone's Battery Life

Do you want your smartphone's battery to last longer? Do you want to help it live longer? Then join us as we look at correct tips to extend your smartphone's battery.

android 14 battery life check

Smartphone batteries are very important to a lot of people, you and me included. How so? Well without batteries our smartphones won't work. It's that simple. It is smartphone batteries that allows our smartphones to be truly mobile instead of being tethered to wall charger. So if they don't last or worse, die easily, our phones will too. So join us as we look at some correct tips to extend your smartphone battery life.

There's two main definitions of battery life. The first one is states that smartphone battery life is how long a battery lasts on a single charge. The second one refers to the total lifespan of a smartphone battery i.e. how long the battery lasts from the day it was bought till the days it fails to hold a charge. It is the second one that we are most interested in for this article.

iphone working on battery speed

I'm sure that you'll definitely agree with me when I say that you would be angry if you buy a phone today and the battery gives out in a year or less. Right? But these things happen and they happen all the time. It leads to extra money and time spent visiting technicians and doing repairs. That's not to mention the frustration and other emotions that will be felt.

Now whilst smartphone batteries will age naturally as time passes, there are several things you can and should do to avoid speeding up this process.

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Take Charge

It is important that you make the decision to look after your smartphone battery rather than leave things to fate or chance. Making this conscious decision will help you to make better choices for your smartphone battery.

Never charge a hot phone

Smartphone Batteries are filled with chemicals that are very sensitive to heat. When your phone is hot, its chemicals, which holds the current (charge), undergo a chemical reaction which causes them to go bad. Charging a phone that is already hot will only serve to make this worse. Allow your phones to cool before charging them.

Do not overcharge

Overcharging is simply when you continue to charge a phone even after it is full. This increases the pressure and more importantly the temperature of a smartphone’s battery. Having already explained what heat does to batteries, I'm sure you'll see why we do not want to heat up our batteries. It's usually advisable to charge phones when it is at or around 20% and immediately unplug it at 100%.

Never let your phone die

One of the most important things that you'll learn that will help your phone live longer is to never let it run down by itself. Ever. It would be better if you turn it off rather than to let it go off by itself. Guys, please never let your batteries drain.

Using whilst charging

If you must use your phone whilst it is charging then it must be light use such as scrolling through social media or consuming content such as videos or 2D games. Never attempt to play high definition 3D games or record full HD video whilst the phone is charging. It will cause the phone to heat up which will in turn affect the battery, reducing it's lifespan.

Take note of ambient temperature

You must be in tune with your environment and it's temperature. If the weather is hot, you should try as much as possible to avoid using your phone outdoors in the blinding sunshine or playing heavy games.

Cool things down

You could try investing in a portable smartphone cooler to keep your phone cool. This is especially true for gamers. Having a smartphone cooler will not only keep your smartphone cool but it will also improve its performance.

Use the right chargers

When you're charging your device, using the recommended charger will help it charge as intended by the manufacturer as well as helping it live longer. Ensure to use the recommended charger for your device.


The main enemy of all batteries is heat. Heat destroys battery. The hotter the temperature, the faster the battery degrades. This is why it is very important for all smartphone users to be aware of the dangers that heat poses to their smartphone batteries and take action to stop this.

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