
Top 5 Features to Consider When Buying a Smart TV

top 5 features to consider when buying a smart tv

When you're looking to buy a new smart TV, it's important to consider a few key features to make sure you get the best one for your needs. Imagine this: instead of flipping through endless channels, you shout, "Hey TV, play my favorite cartoon!" and poof! There it is. Or, picture having access to all the latest movies and games, right on your TV, without needing a million devices. Sounds pretty cool, right? Well, that's the magic of smart TVs! Here are the top 5 features you should keep in mind when buying a smart TV:

Screen Size Matters: Finding the Perfect Fit

The screen size of a smart TV is how big the actual display is. It's measured diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner. A larger screen size can make watching movies and playing games more immersive, but you also need to consider the size of the room where you'll be placing the TV.

The screen size and viewing distance matters a lot. While a bigger screen might seem enticing, consider the room size and viewing distance. Sitting too close to a large screen can strain your eyes. A good rule of thumb is to maintain a distance of 1.5-2.5 times the screen's diagonal size for Full HD and 1-1.5 times for 4K TVs.

Resolution and Display Technology: Picture Perfect and a Feast for the Eyes

Resolution refers to the number of tiny dots, called pixels that make up the display or picture. The higher the resolution or the more pixels, the clearer and sharper the images will be. Common resolutions for smart TVs include Full HD (1920x1080 pixels) and 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160 pixels). If you want a crystal-clear picture quality, go for a TV with higher resolution.

The number of pixels that make up your TV's screen can be higher or lower. While 1080p (Full HD) remains a good choice for smaller screens, for a truly immersive experience, consider 4K (Ultra HD) or even 8K. 4K offers four times the resolution of 1080p, resulting in stunning visuals, especially noticeable on larger screens. 8K boasts an even sharper picture, but 8K content is still limited, making 4K the current sweet spot for most users.

But resolution isn't the only player in the game. Display technology also affects picture quality. The display technology impacts the contrast and viewing angles. Here's a breakdown of the most common choices:

LED (Light-Emitting Diode): Used by most smart TVs, and a popular and affordable option, offering good picture quality and energy efficiency.

OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode): Renowned for its superior contrast, deeper blacks, and wider viewing angles, creating a more cinematic experience. However, OLED TVs can be more expensive and susceptible to burn-in over time.

QLED (Quantum-dot Light-Emitting Diode): A challenger to OLED, offering vibrant colors and high brightness perfect for well-lit rooms. While not quite matching OLED's contrast, QLED is often more affordable.

HDR (High Dynamic Range): Look for HDR compatibility for a significant picture quality boost. HDR displays a wider range of colors and brightness levels, delivering more realistic and lifelike visuals, especially in scenes with contrasting light and dark elements.

Smart Features: Smart is the New Standard

Smart TVs come with built-in internet connectivity and apps that allow you to stream content from services like Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube. Look for smart TVs with user-friendly interfaces and a wide selection of apps to ensure you can easily access your favorite shows and movies.


Smart platform and app selection should be considered too. The heart of your smart TV experience lies in its operating system (OS) and app selection. Popular platforms include Android TV, LG webOS, Samsung Tizen, and Roku TV. Each platform offers a unique interface and app store. Choose a platform that prioritizes ease of use, offers the apps you use most (Netflix, Hulu, Disney+), and integrates seamlessly with your existing streaming subscriptions.

Modern smart TVs often come equipped with voice control functionality. This allows you to navigate menus, search for content, and even control playback using your voice. Consider which voice assistant ecosystem you're already invested in (Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant) to ensure a smooth user experience.

Seamless Connectivity: Bridging the Gap

Check the number and types of ports available on the smart TV. HDMI ports are essential for connecting devices like gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, cable boxes, sound bars, and streaming devices. USB ports can be handy for playing media from external storage devices. Make sure the TV has enough connectivity options to accommodate all your devices.


Ensure your chosen TV has enough HDMI ports. Newer features like HDMI 2.1 with eARC (enhanced Audio Return Channel) are particularly important for gamers and home theater enthusiasts. Reliable Wi-Fi connectivity is crucial for streaming content and accessing online features. Consider TVs with built-in Ethernet ports for a more stable wired connection option.

There should be a smart home integration. If you're building a smart home, a TV that integrates with your smart home ecosystem (think Google Home, Amazon Alexa) can be a game-changer. This allows you to control your TV (change channels, adjust volume) and even other smart home devices using voice commands or your smartphone.

Wouldn't it be cool to tell your TV what to do, just like you tell your friend to pass the controller? With voice control, you can! Many smart TVs have built-in microphones that let you use voice assistants like Google Assistant. Simple commands help to search for a movie, or open an app. Some smart TVs have smart home integration that allows connection to other smart devices in your home. Imagine dimming the lights or adjusting the thermostat without leaving the couch – pretty cool, right?

Audio Quality: Beyond the Screen

While the picture quality is important, don't overlook the sound quality of the smart TV. Look for TVs with built-in speakers that deliver clear and immersive audio. Some smart TVs also support technologies like Dolby Atmos for a more cinematic sound experience.

Built-in TV speakers often leave much to be desired. If you prioritize immersive audio, consider a TV with a high-quality sound system or factor in the cost of purchasing a separate soundbar for a more cinematic soundscape.

Bonus Tip: Gaming Features

For serious gamers, features like Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM) and Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) can significantly enhance the gaming experience by minimizing input lag and screen tearing.


Smart TVs reign supreme. But with a vast array of options on the market, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. However, there are several types of smart TVs available in the market, each with its unique features. By considering the top 5 features, you can make an informed decision when buying a smart TV that best suits your needs and preferences.


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